All children are different and that becomes even more apparent when they start to learn and adopt both a style and likes and dislikes. But like it or not, your child has to be educated and you, as a parent, want that education to be the best it can. With many schools struggling under student weight and increasing class sizes, isn’t it time to give your child the educational start that they deserve? Why would you choose a private tutor?
As your child is usually offered a full raft of free education from the Government, paying for extra lessons might seem madness, but many parents are turning to paying for extra education, even at primary level. This might seem to be an unnecessary expense, but these parents are simply trying to ensure that their child gets the best education that they can, and are not at risk of falling behind.
There are many reasons why a parent will seek out extra tuition, and some very positive with it, but the major reasons that people look to this extra expense are based on helping a child not only become a success, but excel. The main reasons that parents consider hiring a private tutor include:
One to One Attention.
With even primary school classes reaching 30 plus students, a lone teacher, possibly supported by a teaching assistant will struggle to give each child the attention that they may need, let alone boost their learning with detailed explanations of new concepts. The arena isn’t the ideal place to help a child flourish and the teacher will have to proceed at a brisk pace, just to cover all of the topics in the scheme of work. A private tutor can work at the child’s pace and keep going over areas of contention until the lesson is learned.
Tutor proceeds at the Child's Pace.
In mainstream schools, if a child fails to really understand a new idea or concept, there is little time for the teacher to keep going over the same material. Learning in these environments is by rote – memorising and practice of examples – and once examples have been completed, it’s usually time to move onto the next subject. However, if your child hasn’t fully understood the concept, they will be disadvantaged. A private tutor will take time to check understanding and will keep working on the same problem until they are happy that the child has really understood, before moving on.
Go Beyond the syllabus.
A mainstream teacher will have a specific syllabus – noted in their scheme of work and lesson plans – that they need to follow and teach to. However, that syllabus is likely to be the minimum that the child needs to get through exams, rather than being an enriching learning experience. This will prepare them far better for both their secondary education – they may already be aware of some secondary subjects before they are formally taught them – and their adult life through having extra confidence.
Flexibility and Convenience.
Children are complex creatures and may not be ready to learn when they start a class, leading to poor learning abilities. Some children learn better in the afternoon, or even the early evening, and a private tutor can cater for this rather than forcing them to try and learn when they are least receptive. The flexibility that a personal tutor can bring can help your child grow to enjoy a subject that they might otherwise dislike, and that can be a powerful enabling experience on its own.
Obstacles disappear.
For a child, even a small obstacle to their learning can appear huge, since they are still learning perspective. What an adult might consider to be a small matter may become a large and non negotiable barrier to a child, and that can seriously impact their learning ability. A private tutor can identify obstacles and then put in place strategies to overcome them. This has the two-fold effect of overcoming the original barrier and teaching your child that such barriers can be overcome, increasing their confidence and making them a much more rounded person, with a positive outlook.
There are many more reasons beside these that make employing a personal tutor a great thing, and a wonderful way to really kick-start your child’s journey through education. Find a really great tutor by searching for primary school maths tuition, or primary maths tuition and selecting a company from the ones that come up.
Starting your child with a private tutor early will encourage them to learn and make the entire process fun and engaging.